Jana Bauer was born in Ljubljana in 1975. She studied at the Academy for Theatre, Radio, Film and Television in Ljubljana and graduated in dramaturgy in 2003. She writes and translates childrens’s books, besides that she is also the editor of several Slovene book series. Until now she has published six books for children: Izginjevalec čarovnic (The Witch Vanisher, 2002), Čarobna beseda (The Magic Word, 2004), V deželi medenjakov (In the Land of Gingerbread, 2006), Detektivske prigode Fokusa in Kolumne: Skrivnost izropane grobnice (Detective Stories of Fokus and Kolumna: The Secret of the Plundered Crypt, 2007), Detektivske prigode Fokusa in Kolumne: V strašljivem hotelu(Detective Stories of Fokus and Kolumna: In the Hotel of Horror, 2009), Groznovilca v Hudi hosti (Scary Fairy Comes to Fearful Forest, 2011). Two of the books have been translated into English.