Gorazd Kocijančič

Gorazd Kocijančič, born in 1964 in Ljubljana, is a philosopher, Poet and translator. He has published three philosophical monographs: Posredovanja. Uvod v krščansko filozofijo (Interpositions. An Introduction into Christian philosophy, 1996), Tistim zunaj (To them out there, 2004) and Med Vzhodom in Zahodom. Štirje prispevki k ekstatiki (Between East and West. Four contributions to ecstasy, 2004) and three books of poetry: Tvoja imena (Your names, 2000), Trideset stopnic in naju ni (Thirty steps and we are not there, 2005) and Certamen spirituale (2008). He contributed to the Slovene standard translation of the Holy Scripture. For his translation of the complete works of Plato he was awarded the Sovre prize, for his collection of philosophical essays Tistim zunaj the Rožanc prize.

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