The Slovenian Book Agency (JAK)

The Slovenian Book Agency (Javna agencija za knjigo, JAK), active since 1. January 2009, is part of the Slovenian ministry of culture; its task is the promotion and support of Slovenian literature and its authors. For this purpose it aims at stable conditions in all related fields and thus to promote high quality work in literature and science, especially the …

Side note to the Festival of German-Language Literature 2011

When Maja Haderlap read in Klagenfurt, I thought: Quite nice, but I’ve read it all before somehow. In Slovenian novels no German publisher wanted. Especially in Tito, amor mijo by Marko Sosič. This one is set in Triest at the end of the sixties, and, from the perspective of an eleven-year-old boy – who now and then rides on a …